Most Consumers Search for Local Businesses Online

In this episode of #AskArkLady the fact that only 5% of consumers do not search for local businesses online is discussed. Over the past few years the numbers have consistently estimated that the majority of consumers are searching for businesses using devices.

What happens is that those consumers will often walk into a business within minutes if they are seeking products and services via mobile. When doing research related to buying–action takes place within a week.

Along with other trends, what is important to note is that intention to buy is driving people into businesses and that failure to adapt and form a comprehensive online strategy will ultimately harm businesses that continue to ignore these changes.

Today a reputation strategy is an essential marketing piece for both ranking and increased traffic as well as conversions of consumers into customers. Today this means you must create, build, manage and market your business more effectively to see better results.

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About ARKtechCo

+ArkLady is a cyber-jungle trailblazer based in California specializing in marketing, reputation, webucation and online business education.