Google Alerts & Reputation?

Google Alerts and reputation? In the above video, business owners with an online presence learn how to better use Google Alerts. However, when it comes to reputation this only works in specific situations such as delivering results related to your brand or business name, products, or names of owners and employees.

If you are a brand, blogger, professional writer or in a related field, Google Alerts might just work for you but we find it fails when it comes to monitoring reputation for most businesses.

A lot of people are spreading misinformation about this being a great option for reputation monitoring–it isn’t and let me tell you why.

When people go out to review your business, service or practice, they generally do not use the name of the business or your name. This means it will not come in through alerts.

Reviewers may use the first name of a staff member, reference the type of service or product, but few will post the business name, business location or the full name of the owner.

There are some DIY reputation resources such as Yext that can help with the monitoring of a businesses reputation while also helping you get consistency across the different local business listing citations, but they only go so far.

To help businesses create, correct, control, monitor and manage their online reputation, we created the Review Inbox and iReview Portal.  Both proprietary (patent pending) solutions provide a location to collect and monitor reviews from your customers, clients or patients.

When your business invests in the Reputation Power Suite service, we also monitor the major influence directories so important to your reputation so you can take action on both good and bad reviews–because they do require action.

But the truth is, being alerted to new positive or negative reviews is not enough. Businesses need to take action and respond to both and do it in a timely manner.

ARKtech helps businesses learn how to best handle negative comments and gets them over to the correct staff member for fast action. When it comes to those reviewers who leave glowing testimonials, they get thanked immediately and are given the option to leave another testimonial in an influence directory right away.

These efforts work in conjunction to create and maintain a solid, positive reputation and help your business to excel in creating a reputation culture within your staff.

If you need help creating or correcting your online business reputation, go beyond Google Alerts. If you don’t want to continue to lose consumers to competitors, contact us today to see how we can help.

About ARKtechCo

+ArkLady is a cyber-jungle trailblazer based in California specializing in marketing, reputation, webucation and online business education.